Building the Future
Project Specifications
A written project specification is a collection of technical references to construction methods and techniques combined with project, design and jobsite details that bind contractor accountability to specific performance requirements. Moreover, Construction Project Specifications define bid submission conditions that guarantee accurate, reliable and comparable price quotes from contractors.

Establish terms and requirements to protect ownership, the property and tenants with an outline of the buyers acceptable practices.

Systems configuration, design details, methods and techniques are the foundation of what contractors include in a price quote.

Accurate expense forecasting with reliable prices, easy bid comparison and analysis that highlight service providers who offer the best value.
Protection & Accountability
Contractor performance is directly related to expenses that can be excluded from a service providers cost consideration and bid submission. Additionally, establishing terms that meet the objectives of ownership improves value and the reliability of contractor price quotes.
This section covers performance requirements and project specifics that fall outside actual construction functions. Labor warranty terms, minimum performance, extensions and remedies should also be defined in the Project Specification and priced accordingly in each Bid Submission.
Technical Reference
Construction Scope & Details
Construction design configurations are the foundation of what contractors include in a price quote. This is a multi-part component requiring knowledge of material and solution technical references, engineering details, regulatory requirements and constraints.
Requiring service providers to price the same set of standards, methods and techniques assures accurate bid price and contractor analysis.
Technical Reference
Construction Scope & Details
Construction design configurations are the foundation of what contractors include in a price quote. This is a multi-part component requiring knowledge of material and solution technical references, engineering details, regulatory requirements and constraints.
Requiring service providers to price the same set of standards, methods and techniques assures accurate bid price and contractor analysis.
Comparing Expenses
Bid Price & Analysis
Accurate comparison of Contractor bid submissions is facilitated by structuring bid prices into components that can be quantifiably evaluated.
We structure bid submissions into components that effect overall project quality and cost. The base bid is isolated from enhancements and labor cost that may artificially inflate contractor rates for the core scope of work.
Hidden and potential change order expenses are secured and evaluated in advance of signing a contract. Proposed enhancements and project options are priced and compared independently to simply contractor evaluation.
An active spreadsheet (excel or cloud) consolidates bid submissions into logically displayed formats that facilitate granular comparison, budget configuration and analysis of contractor submissions.

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Get In Touch
1361 S Winchester Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95128
+1 (408) 871-9296